
Engineering Solution & Design Consulting

Engineering Solution

HZW is committed to providing top quality piping solutions and custom manufacturing services, comprehendo: seamless nickel alloy pipes and immaculatam ferro seamless tibiae, welded nickel alloy tubes and welded stainless steel tubes, super precision stainless steel capillary tubes, Titanium tubing, custom pipe spool fabrication, laser cutting, pipe bending, welding, sheet metal and more tube sheet fabrication.

Praevidemus qualitatem altae Tubingae et solutiones fabricandi quae consilium tuum in re horarum confectum habere possunt. Hoc tibi dat facultatem ad probandum productum tuum, et fac omnes mutationes necessarias ad perficiendum consilium tuum antequam in massam productionem ingrediatur.

From pipes and tubes materials to custom made pipe spools, tube sheets and flanges, here we can help you all tubing engineering solutions.

Design Consulting

In HZW, our priority is to provide a complete piping & tubing engineering solution including total 2D and 3D design. Our engineering and design tools include a complete design solution including AutoCAD and Solidworks.

Our expert engineers can help deliver our clients with fast, clear and professional looking technical drawings.

We prioritize staying up to date on the latest technologies for piping components, including joints, pipe materials, and gardes choices, and maintain a comprehensive knowledge base of the benefits they provide.

We can also provide these drawings in a variety of different formats to suit your demands whether it be the SLDPRT, dwg format or pdf file.

More Resources

Check out our library of free manufacturing resources—from technical data to quick beginner purchasing tips to case studies.

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